Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Sega Mega Drive)
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Sega Mega Drive)
If you grew up with Sega, this was probably your go-to game whenever you wanted to impress your friends; and with good reason! Because it is, still to this day, kind of impressive just how fast this game is.
But is it good? Well... That is the question, isn't it? Personally, we never understood why people love it so much. It's fast, yes, but other than that, it's kind of sloppy. Like, it's really sluggish to control, which is not a good thing for a platformer. The levels are overly confusing, and very straight forward. Whenever something interesting finally happens, you have to rush through it due to the forced speed.
Why do people love this game again?
If we just lost you as a costumer when you were reading this, well, then it was a all a lie and we love Sonic. Gotta go fast - to the checkout, that is!
Condition: Good. Manual is missing.